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About Schaefer Engineering Corporation

Schaefer Engineering Corporation was created to provide high quality Forensic Engineering services.


During his undergraduate work at the United States Naval Academy, many of Mr. Schaefer's professors and military instructors provided forensic consulting services outside of the Academy.  After a military career cut short by a medical discharge, Mr. Schaefer was invited back to Annapolis to work with one of his instructors as a consultant.  Mr. Schaefer has worked primarily in three areas of Forensic Engineering, the investigation of Vehicle Accidents, Fire Investigations and miscellaneous mechanical failures.  Mr. Schaefer has been providing Forensic Engineering services since 1991.

Mr. Schaefer left Annapolis and moved to the Northwest where he worked for Schaefer Engineering Corporation, a business started by his father.  After 21 years working at other companies, the Schaefer Engineering Corporation name is back as his own company.